I didn’t waste my time. I wasn’t crazy for thinking that you can learn more for life by listening to Yoda’s grammatically incorrect wisdom than by going to college for four years. In fact, I found out that my love for movies helped me to become the amazing boyfriend that I am today. Let’s have a look at the reasons why watching at least one blockbuster before your next date can be all that is needed for the girl you are dating to think that you are the love of her life.

They are ready for an adventure

The typical stereotype that people have in mind when they think about someone who loves movies is a lazy guy on a couch who eats pizza all day long. Well, that stereotype can’t be any further from the truth. People who love to watch movies are not lazy. They are adventurous and they are open for new experiences. My first trip to Thailand was actually inspired by Hangover 2. Today I am in a happy relationship with the girl of my dreams. I met her in Thailand.

They actually enjoy movie nights

I am pretty sure that I am not the only person on earth who hates clubs. The loud music, the drunk people and the superficial atmosphere are nothing for me. I rather enjoy staying in with a girl I like and enjoying a nice dinner with a good movie. In case you also prefer cuddling on the couch over loud house music and senseless party conversations, you should definitely date someone who loves movies. While a lot of introverted people have the problem that their partner wants to go out every weekend, you don’t have this problem when you date a movie lover.

They know how to flirt

Have you ever been on a date with someone and you just didn’t know what to talk about? I think we’ve all experienced such a situation. You pick at your food, you say nothing and you hope that the time goes past. It’s terrible, but it’s also avoidable by dating someone who loves movies. Whenever I dated a girl who is into movies I never had to face those dreaded moments of silence. There are basically two reasons for that. On the one hand, you always have to talk about something, even if it is just the latest George Clooney movie. On the other hand, movie lovers know how to flirt. Watching countless conversations between Brad Pitt and several beautiful actresses gave me flirting skills that I haven’t had before. Believe it or not, but saying “I might be the outlaw, but you are the one stealing my heart” can actually work.

They reveal a lot about themselves

What’s the number one reason why you are on a date with someone? You want to get to know this person. While it can be quite difficult to find out if someone is marriage material or a crazy psychopath, it’s a lot easier when you are dating a movie love. The truth is that the movies that we watch reveal who we are. If you are on a date with someone who absolutely loves to watch comedy and action movies, you can confidently assume that he or she is a fun person and open for some adventures. If you, however, date someone who is totally into horror movies, you might want to reconsider the idea of ending up in a relationship with this person.

They believe in true love

Yes, people who love movies are creative and open for an adventurous time, but they also believe in love. When you date someone who loves to watch movies, especially romantic movies, chances are high that he or she believes in true love. Some people would call that being naive. I call it not being willing to give up. There are already too many people out there who have given up on love. Finding a movie enthusiast who believes in the true love that is portrait in Hollywood movies can be quite invigorating. It’s up to you if you do everything in your power to experience this true love.