At some point or another, everyone stumbles into an awkward situation or makes a verbal misstep. But some people just seem to be born to put their foot in their mouths. Although many people may think that only a rude, socially inept, or downright unintelligent person would constantly say the wrong thing at the wrong time, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, people who can’t seem to stop themselves from saying what’s on their mind are actually awesome to be around. Not only are they funny, but they are also open, honest, and full of joy in themselves and the people around them. By now, you definitely know which one of your friends we’re talking about. (And if you can’t think of at least one of your friends who fits this description, maybe it’s you.) Here’s why your friend who constantly blurts out the wrong thing might just be your best friend, the one who enriches your life in amazing ways that no “normal” friend can.

That friend will always make you laugh.

Ever since you’ve had the joy of meeting that friend who never says the right thing, you know that nothing breaks the ice like a perfectly timed awkward comment. Whether you’re nervous about a new, important job or you’re just out having brunch with your friend group, you can count on your awkward friend to lighten any mood and make even the most boring small talk interesting. Their ridiculous comments make you laugh like no other friend.

That friend will make the best memories with you.

If you have to attend an acquaintance’s birthday party that you aren’t too excited about or you have to stand in line for hours at the DMV, your awkward friend is always there to bring humor and fun. That friend turns otherwise lifeless events into lifelong memories, even if the awkwardness feels just a little embarrassing at the time.

That friend will understand you even if no one else does.

When you inevitably say the wrong thing at the wrong time, like we all do from time to time, there’s no one better to talk to than your friend who has said and done it all. That friend will be there because they understand exactly what it’s like. They may not always say the right thing to make you feel better (since hey, they don’t usually say the right thing anyway), but their humor, kindness, and relatability are irreplaceable.

That friend will teach you how to shake it off.

Not just for T-Swift, shaking it off is an important lesson we all need to learn. Not only will your awkward friend understand you when things go a little awry, but they’ll help you figure out how to move forward. Whether you fumbled your words a little on a first date or totally bombed a major presentation, your awkward friend shows you how to shake it off and not take life too seriously. When their words unintentionally offend or hurt anyone, they also knows how to say “sorry” and mean it.

That friend will show you how to approach life differently.

Sometimes saying the “wrong” thing, or the thing that you are not expected or supposed to say, is exactly what needs to be said. Your friend who can’t stop saying the wrong thing isn’t afraid to be different, and they are there to teach you to stop worrying about what should or shouldn’t be done. Of course, their way may not always be perfect, but they can help you look at situations and problems with a fresh perspective.

That friend will help you grow.

Through all of these funny memories, your awkward friend is there, making you laugh endlessly and showing you how to take life in stride, make mistakes, and move on, living each day with a sense of joy and adventure. Above all, you are a better person for knowing them, even if they can’t help saying the wrong thing. If you’re lucky enough to have one of these friends, stick with them. You’ll not only enjoy the crazy, ridiculous, and ridiculously awkward adventures that come, but you’ll learn a little something too.