The curious case of colic.

The most common problem that these infants face is stomach uneasiness. This trouble usually comes right after they are fed. Times like this, people customarily say that your baby is “colicky”. Colic is a curious case of ailment. It is also associated with the term gas. No one can come with a solid answer as to why babies suffer from colic. It is said that if your child cries for at least three hours a day, at least three days a week, at least three weeks in a row, then the baby is affected by colic. There are mothers who prefer over-the-counter medicines, a favorite one being gripe water. It is safe for a newborn to have it, but it is always advisable to seek a doctor’s permission before introducing your child to gripe water.


The best thing to do is to burp your baby right after breast feeding or bottle feeding. If your little one starts crying a few minutes after feeding, then put him or her on their back, hold their feet, and circulate their feet in a bicycle motion. Another solution is to rub your baby’s tummy in a clockwise motion while gently pressing. Do it for a while, but don’t over-do it. Your child may dislike it once the tummy troubles go away Apart from the colic and gas troubles, a baby crying after a feed can mean several things

Feed your baby in a different position.

Doctors will always advise you to breastfeed your baby in an upright position. It is better for both you and your baby to be in a straight position. In this way, it is less likely for your infant to suffer from gas. Sometimes, you may feel too tired to feed your baby while sitting. You may want to lie down and feed them. There’s a higher chance for them to have painful winds inside their stomach, thus making them cry.


Make sure you put your arm underneath your child’s head while feeding them in a lying position. As soon as baby finishes, you should burp them. In case you are in an upright position, take a chair, put a cushion at the back, make yourself comfortable first, then take your baby and feed them. The best way to burp is to hold them against your shoulder and gently pat their back while walking. After few minutes (sometimes it takes less than two minutes) they’ll surely burp.

Your baby crying because she needs food.

Since they can’t say, “Hey mommy, I am hungry. Come here!”. Instead, they’ll exercise their lungs’ power. It is always confusing why they are crying all of a sudden, given there are so many reasons for them to.


The best way to understand is to keep a track of the time since they last fed. Usually newborns tend to feed every two to three hours, but there are cases when they might not get enough milk (in case of breastfeeding), and they might go hungry. See for couple of days, follow the pattern, and soon you’ll understand when your baby’s going hungry again!

Constipation is another solid reason for tummy trouble.

Your baby may suffer from constipation. Because they are feeling uneasy in their stomach, they will cry, and show their discomfort. This is a tricky problem. If you see your child’s diaper has only pee and no poop for the whole day, then you are confirmed this is noting but constipation.


This is a case where you should visit your GP. Your doctor will tell you what to do. They may give infant suppository to relief your child from the uneasiness.

“Please change my nappy!”

Once they poop, they’ll make sure you change them immediately, otherwise, the siren will be hard to put off. Your baby might feel uncomfortable having to feel cold air during nappy changes. They’ll protest this by crying as well!


Check the nappies at intervals. You have to acquire the art of quick changing. Also, give your baby a toy, or sing a song while changing. Babies can be easily distracted, which is a good thing! Tummy troubles, especially after being fed is quite natural. All babies go through them. Colic, gas, and other troubles will reduce in time. You just have to be alert. These are some of the problems you will be facing at least once in your life. Embrace them. If you keep cool, these problems won’t seem so major. Take your time to get used to these. If need be, consult your doctor and seek help from them. You guys will do just fine! Featured photo credit: Carrie Sandoval via