Hotel comparison website Tripzzle takes the continent you’re travelling to, what you’re looking for on your trip, the month you want to go, and lists the best hotels for your needs along with their average room rates.

  Though you search by continent, results are grouped by country so you can zero in on a particular area if that part’s non-negotiable, like for a business trip. “Business” is an option, after all, along with many more potential travel purposes that let you find hotels for exactly what you need.

The reviews of each hotel are thorough and detailed. You get pictures of the rooms and other inside areas, plenty of details on amenities and nearby attractions, and specifics on the service from actual reviewers. Rather than a flat number rating, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting wherever you stay. This hotel looks lovely, who’s down for a vacay?

Featured photo credit: Screenshot/Tripzzle via

Tripzzle Finds Hotels Based on Your  When  and  Why  - 5Tripzzle Finds Hotels Based on Your  When  and  Why  - 94Tripzzle Finds Hotels Based on Your  When  and  Why  - 10