Meeting someone who knows themselves so well can feel intimidating and make you question what you can or cannot say to them. Here are some things that you really don’t need to tell a strong woman at all.

1. Get over it, it’s been long enough

You don’t need to tell a strong woman how long she must spend on the floor after life has knocked her down. She knows that she needs time to process the setback and then make a plan of action to move forward. She won’t dwell on things for long but she knows when she needs a timeout to just let go and be.

2. You’re stupid and worthless

The reason for her strength is because she knows her own self-worth and her own value. Telling her that she’s stupid and worthless will only make her look down at you and show her that you are reflecting your own self-worth on to her.

3. You’re so confident

Strong women exude confidence because they have overcome a lot in their journey and learned from their experiences. They are not arrogant but humble with their confidence because they have taken enough knocks in life and gotten back up again.

4. You don’t need anyone to lean on

Everyone needs someone to lean on when things happen in life and a strong woman knows that. She’s not afraid to reach out for support or ask for help. By following this action she is showing her strength even more because being strong does not mean you need to be alone!

5. I will tell you how to live your life

A strong woman knows what she does and doesn’t want in her life. When someone is constantly telling her what she should say, do and how she should be; odds are that that person will no longer be a part of her life. She will not tolerate being treated like a child.

6. I am the guy you’ve been waiting for

If you want to be with a strong woman then do not tell her that you are the man for her. She knows her mind and heart and will only be with you if she sees something special in you. Otherwise she will find someone else, she’s in no hurry.

7. You don’t know how to fix this

Strong women are solution driven and not problem focused. So telling a woman that something cannot be done will only make her more determined in finding a solution to making things happen.

8. You don’t need to do anything with your life

Strong women are driven to achieve their dreams and accomplish something in their lives. They do not have the energy or willpower to sit around and do nothing for long. Even if she isn’t a career woman, odds are she will be part of or leading some organisation or charity and making a difference.

9. You’re such a weak person

A strong woman is all about being assertive. She knows her boundaries and is clear about what she will and won’t tolerate from people. She doesn’t need to scream and shout to get her point across.

10. You don’t get what they want

A strong woman likes open, honest and direct communication.  Mind games are something she finds immature and a waste of time. She has nothing to hide and therefore is not afraid to tell you what she is thinking. So just ask. Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via