a href=“http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sagacious" target="_blank” rel=“noopener” data-lasso-id=“54210”>Sagacity is all about your perception and insight, and old family snapshots can reveal many surprising things. While we rely heavily on digital images now, our old, boxed-up, hard-copy snapshots seem to capture those special life moments that we didn’t appreciate or remember at the time. Our reflections with the benefit of further life experience can give new meaning and insight to those old moments. So get to it and find those boxes of snapshots and uncover those golden moments because here are nine things they will reveal to you.

1. They set a baseline

Each snapshot marks the beginning of a very special timeline from then to right now. It is our “baseline” for us to measure many things back then, such as what the world was like, what we were like, and what seemed most important to us. After you have reflected on all of that, you can measure how much you have changed over time. That’s a good thing because it can tell us where we are headed.

2. They help you understand how meaning changes

What was important then may not be important today and may not be important tomorrow. Or maybe those things are even more important today now that you have added some more years to your life. Reflection is good for us and helps us stay in touch with our soul.

3. They record important relationships

Now this is where things can really get interesting. If you are looking at a snapshot of a person who was important in your life back then, ask yourself if they are still important today? Many relationships change over time and so do our views of them. If you have the courage, pick up the phone and call them right now! You may be surprised by the enriching conversation you have with your old friend.

4. They make the passing of time more tangible

Now, time is a very, very powerful thing because it can change things in the direction we want or not. And time is part of the cycle of life. You should always embrace it with eyes wide open and drink in every second that you have! Many times you will see an old picture of yourself and wonder, “Did I really look that young then?” Trust me, you did!

5. They remind you not to miss the precious things

Sometimes we miss those precious moments. Wherever our mind is, our eyes usually are. Life speeds past us so quickly that we miss some of the good stuff! It happens all the time. Snapshots are like a rose garden so slow down and “smell the roses.”

6. They help you to not forget

We forget what we looked like over time. Snapshots will jar our memories and those experiences will come back and wash over us like sunshine on a beautiful summer’s day!

7. They give you the chance to share your past

Take the opportunity to share your pictures with someone who is important to you now. Many times, that person was not even in your life way back then. Believe me, good times are just waiting for you if you get to sharing!

8. They are worth more than 1,000 words

Pictures are worth a thousand words. And if you really get a snapshot gem, the conversation will grow into way more than a thousand words. Story after story will come rushing out of your memories and great conversation will ensue!

9. They are a record of “The Good Old Days”

The “Good Old Days” are usually not noticed when they actually occur. They are only fully appreciated in retrospect. So get to it and start your treasure hunt. Make sure you save every box of your old family pictures in your parents’ and grandparents’ attic or basement. There’s gold in them boxes! And leave your comments below and tell me what you found!

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