How many times have you been hit by a sudden realization? An epiphany of some sort? It happens at random times. Whatever your realization may be, no matter how big or small, it’s meaningful. You should listen and pay close attention to whatever you’re thinking at that very moment. These realizations are rare and easily dismissible. They are also potentially life changing.
Step 1: Realization
Suddenly realizing something is the first step to implement any kind of change in your life. Why? Because you are now aware of something you previously weren’t. If motivation is found within, these realizations add fuel to the flame. Your realization is just the beginning. Acting on it slowly reveals the journey that you may be taking. It is easy to dismiss these realizations because it’s hard to initiate something challenging and mysterious, something that will probably take you out of your comfort zone. Let me just say this: don’t ignore it and follow through. This is what you might have been looking for all along. Whenever you’re hit with a realization, I want you to pause and think about it:
Why all of a sudden am I becoming fully aware of this thought? Could this realization be a start to finding answers or a solution to my current situation? Why now? And if I ignore it, will it come back later? What doors could open up when embracing this sudden realization?
Here’s a fact: you can’t stay the same. So maybe these realizations are tantamount to change. Change for the better.
Step 2: Put it into practice
Once you get a grasp of this realization and how it will play a part in your life, there is only one remaining step: put it into practice. Get the ball rolling. If you know this realization is going to better your life, then what are you waiting for? Start now. One of my sudden realizations was about where I was in my life and what I could do to better my situation. I was failing college, had no goals or any passions, and I continuously wasted time and energy by doing things I didn’t even enjoy. I was doing this for awhile (2 years to be exact), but that one day it hit me harder than ever. Instead of ignoring it, I began unraveling it. Little by little I would find answers that would point to me a direction I was afraid of going. Instead of pretending I would remember, I wrote it down. I turned it into a goal. Use visualization to constantly remind you. Here’s something to think about: if you’re afraid of doing something, if it injects fear into you, chances are you should do it. Why? Because stepping out of your comfort zone will teach you things you never knew about yourself. You are not being paralyzed by fear, you are embracing it and using it to propel you forward.
Start now, start small
To get your realization into motion, you have to start small and you have to start somewhere. The point is that you are now fully aware of this realization. Don’t let it slip away. Ignoring it would be denying yourself a rare opportunity. Implement your realization today. For example: if you know that you have to spend more time reading or exercising, start implementing that change today, little by little. Take some time off something less important and redirect it what’s most important.. Do this daily by starting small. After a few weeks or months, look back at your progress. See how far you’ve come and look at the change that took place just by realizing something, initiating, and relentlessly putting it into practice. These realizations are part of our lives. This sudden awareness can be used to wake yourself up. Hey, it might even change your life. Will you ignore it? Or will you dig deeper? (Photo credit: Boy Saying “Aha” via Shutterstock)