The process is easy enough. Just sign into your Microsoft OneDrive account (or create one, if you haven’t), and click this link. Then, choose to join Bing Rewards, and click the “try for free” option. From there, you will be directed to a page with a section entitled “earn and explore.” In that section, you will find the option to claim 100 GB of free storage for OneDrive. Once you hit that, all you need to click is “claim my storage,” and, boom, you have it!
The only caveat is that this storage only lasts for two years, so if you find yourself enjoying the extra space, you will have to pay for it eventually. Still, this is a nice offer nonetheless and an easy way to store lots of surplus photos, videos, and music in the cloud. Did this offer work for you? Are you enjoying it? Let me know in the comments! Featured photo credit: onedrive via