Are you using Automator already? Do you have tips to share with other readers? Tell us here in the comment, or email us: tips at With the advent of Tiger came Automator, a drag-and-drop programming language. I tried it a few months ago for all of about five minutes, but maybe it’s time I lived up to my resolution and learned something new. If you think this is complicated or that you can’t create something useful, let’s dive right in and see what happens. There are a few things you need to know before we begin. A growing number of applications are “Automator aware”—they contain pre-defined steps or “actions” that Automator knows how to execute. If you have ever looked at AppleScript dictionaries, this is a similar concept. Actions are the individual steps that must be executed for an application to finish a task… Maybe You Ought To Be Using Automator – [ATPM]