What Causes An Anxiety Spiral And How To Prevent It

This can go one of two ways: You might manage to divert your attention by some stroke of magic, or this initial panic will launch you into a downward anxiety spiral. Unfortunately, just one trip down this rabbit hole can make it extra difficult to prevent them in the future. Our brain’s automatic reaction against triggers is meant to keep us safe; however, it only perpetuates further feelings of anxiety....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1349 words · Maria Osteen

What Clients Really Want

What Clients REALLY Want – [How Design.com]

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 7 words · Beverly Severson

What Does Create Your Own Reality Mean By A Life Coach

From the perspective of a life coach, you are capable of creating your own reality right now, even when things feel out of control. Here’s how. What Does it Mean to Create Your Own Reality? Forging your own path means finding your passion and vision for life and using it to take action. It is about participating each day with confidence and drive, rather than standing on the sidelines and watching life pass you by....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1350 words · Vickie Belcher

What If You Stopped Drinking Water

What would happen to your body without water?

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 8 words · Sharon Cox

What Is Gratitude And Why Is It Important

You may have read or heard about gratitude in high volumes when it comes to positivity, health, and wellness. It has become one of the cornerstones of living a mindful life, and a tool used by many to achieve happiness, peace, and wellbeing. This article will dive into what gratitude is, why it’s important, and how you can more concsciously implement it into your daily routine. What is Gratitude? According to Robert Emmons, a leading scientific expert on the topic, gratitude is “an affirmation of goodness....

December 30, 2022 · 6 min · 1123 words · Frank Moreno

What Is Groupthink Bias And How To Spot It And Challenge It

If you’ve ever swallowed your individual opinion, feeling that consensus was the nobler way to go, you may be interested to learn that groupthink carries with it the tendency toward bias that stifles creative or innovative solutions. What Is Groupthink? Social psychologist Irving Janis first established the insidious effects of groupthink through research he conducted in 1972, proving that there’s a psychological drive for consensus in group decisions. People often will put aside their own personal beliefs to adopt the opinion of the rest of the group....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1361 words · Annika Powell

What Is Situs Inversus And How Does Your Body Know Right From Left

A recent scientific study discovered that the side on which each of your organs end up is determined by the movement of hair-like cilia while you’re still an embryo! During embryonic development, the cilia start to move in unison, and the cells whose cilia move to the left end up in organs on the left side of your body, while those that rotate to the right become the organs that fill the right side of your body....

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 119 words · Gerardo Campbell

What Is Swot Analysis 5 Ways It Accelerates Your Self Improvement

SWOT Analysis may very well be the solution to your problems of feeling lost, unproductive, worried about the future, and the general struggle that inevitably arises on the road to personal development. It is quick to carry out, reliable in terms of changing your perspective, and effective in getting you the results that you desire. So what exactly is this SWOT Analysis? You will find everything you need to know about it below as well as how to do it and all of the amazing benefits that it will bring to your life....

December 30, 2022 · 8 min · 1529 words · Roberta Hernandez

What Is The Most Important Step In Prioritizing Goals

Every CEO, executive, manager, and entrepreneur knows the importance of setting goals, but not everyone understands how to set them properly. In fact, many people make the mistake of confusing goals with dreams. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming. It’s often a great place to visit from time to time, but as Napoleon Hill said, “a goal is a dream with a deadline.” It gets the point across, but there’s a little more to it....

December 30, 2022 · 6 min · 1226 words · Derek Braun

What Is Work For

Life isn’t always (or often) fair and few people get all that they want, but to have so many people who feel dissatisfied with a major aspect of their life raises an important question. What is the problem? Why are so many people so unhappy? What is work for? There is an obvious and superficial answer to the last question: you work to make enough money to support yourself and any family you may have....

December 30, 2022 · 4 min · 772 words · Norma Ballard

What Kind Of Leader Are You To Your Team

There should clearly be a middle ground that motivates and manages a team properly whilst not leading them to burn out. How do you lead? How Leadership Styles Affect Productivity – [WeirdGuy]

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 32 words · Willie Goodman

What Makes The Differences Between Introverts And Extroverts

‘Let’s head to the bars downtown. I heard there will be a massive party. It’s gonna be real fun!’ ‘Nah, I’ve got 300 pages to catch this weekend.’ ‘Come on, don’t be so discouraging. Two hours, okay?’ ‘Um.. I would rather-‘ ‘Are you really that shy? ‘I just prefer to be alone. It’s tiring outside.’ Typical introvert and extrovert traits, right? Introverts are shy and always want to be alone....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1313 words · Cherri Phillips

What People Who Give Off Great First Impressions Do Differently

Did you know that studies have shown that we accurately predict someone’s social, economic, education, success and confidence levels in less than three seconds? What conclusions did you come to the last time you met someone new? 93% of the impression you make is based on what you look like and how you sound. Words are only responsible for 7% of the initial impression. If you want to leave a great first impression, your appearance and tone of voice need to show confidence and self-esteem....

December 30, 2022 · 8 min · 1641 words · Kevin Turnmire

What S Your Sticking Point

When we start something new, we often have a huge burst of enthusiasm and energy that carries us through the early stages. But eventually the newness wears off, and the project settles down into a daily grind. We reach a sticking point of one kind or another and get hung up. A sticking point is the point in your project where your energy and excitement level are not enough to overcome whatever resistance the project poses....

December 30, 2022 · 13 min · 2712 words · Natalie Bath

What Supplements Should I Take Daily To Stay Healthy

Sometimes, having too many options of supplements on the market can be overwhelming. If you’re still asking yourself what supplements to take, then keep reading. What Supplements Should I Take? When you reach for that bottle of vitamins or fish oil, for example, you wonder if any of these will work and if they are safe. Well, the main thing you should be asking yourself is if you need them in the first place....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1435 words · Evelyn Gallimore

What University Can And Can T Teach You

University – or College, if that’s what you call it – is often the centre of ‘Is it worth it?’ debates. Really, there’s no right or wrong answer; it all depends on you as an individual and what career you hope to go in to. That said, to make your decision a little easier career providers The Training Room have created the above infographic that lists what you will and won’t learn at university....

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 149 words · Ignacio Schluter

When Emailing Think Press Release

I respond well when the information is “shaped” to be easy for me to read and use. Press Release Format In thinking about this, I have to give credit to Geo, my new friend and co-conspirator. He sent me some information on how to write in the press release style as a way to be helpful to all the emails I’ve been sending the new boss (who, by the way, gets well over 500 emails a day)....

December 30, 2022 · 2 min · 303 words · Nathaniel Faris

When You Know It S Time To Let Go And Love Yourself More

There are times in life when you must give up the things or the people (sometimes both) that you love in order to love youself. Think about it. What would you say to a diabetic who refused to stop eating sugar? You might ask them, “why have you stopped caring for yourself?” Here are Five times when you know it’s time to let go and love yourself more. When you have to sacrifice your happiness First, you must understand that you are in charge of your own happiness....

December 30, 2022 · 5 min · 857 words · June Guida

When You Re Thankful For What You Have You Are Always Rewarded With More

10 Tips to be More Grateful in Life

December 30, 2022 · 1 min · 8 words · Ernest Milne

When You Start To Let Go Of The Past These 3 Incredible Things Will Happen

1. You will feel more alive. Moving on from the past may benefit your health after all. A 2004 Harvard Medical School issue found that those who forgave after a conflict experienced improvements in blood pressure and heart rate, and a decreased workload for the heart. The issue also found that those who converted anger into compassion during meditation felt less physical pain and anxiety than those who received regular care....

December 30, 2022 · 4 min · 774 words · Craig Langford