You can see each of the week’s articles here: One of the things that most impressed me about this entire week was the amazing amount of support and kindness you showed to each other. You might have been tempted to be snarky and short with each other, but you never were. You were there for each other this week and that gives me hope for the future of online interactions in general, not just the cool things we’ll be doing here at Lifehack. Thank you! This is it. The final day! Did you make it through all 5 mornings? How has your perspective on morning productivity changed as a result of this challenge? Will you continue waking early or was there not enough value in the schedule change to warrant continuation? Do you have an idea for the next 5-day challenge? I look forward to reading your thoughts! Also, if you’re planning on continuing the challenge for a few more days on your own blog, please let me know so I can link to it here? There are some late-arrivals to the challenge that would benefit from the continued support of daily posts. Thanks!