Being lazy is intuitively seeking out the more efficient way of doing things. Well, at least sometimes. Scott H Young has a formula: Laziness + Drive = Productivity. So is laziness a resourceful character trait? What did the ‘busy’ person have to gain from spending so much time on something pointless? Scott talks about a few questions lazy people ask themselves that ‘busy’ people don’t:
Why am I doing this? Why am I doing it this way? What am I trying to get out of this? Is this the best way to get this done? What would happen if I didn’t do it at all?
It’s almost a stigma I’ve found come up in my life, too. Then again, maybe I’m just lazy. The Laziest Solution Possible – [ScottHYoung] Also check the Lifehack posts on Laziness: Work Hard To Be Lazy Organized People Are Lazy Self Help and Personal Development for Lazy People