We’ve heard it so many times before since the film The Secret came out: ‘Thoughts become things’. Is it really true? Do our dominant thoughts actually materialise? Well of course not, or all of us would be living our fantasies and giving up the day job, to live with Angelina Jolie, or Brad Pitt, or both! (Just remember Sandra is mine!). So what did they mean when they said ‘Thoughts become things’? Look at this way. When you want to go to the gym for a little exercise think about the process that happens for you to actually go down to the gym.

Conversation in your head

Unconscious: ‘okay lardy, it’s time you did a little exercise’ Conscious: ‘mmm maybe, in fact no I think I’ll watch an episode of ‘Lost’. Unconscious: ‘Look at your gut, if you’re not careful they’re going to start carving you up and using you for soap! come on get up!’ Your unconscious starts to throw you images of the gym so it’s stuck in your mind. It also throws you images of the benefits of going to the gym; feeling fitter, looking more attractive, losing a little weight, getting into your trousers from last year. Conscious: ‘Yeah you might be right, I think it’s time to go.’ You get your gym kit on, grab your water, your bag and your car keys. So what’s happened here is a conversation between your unconscious and your conscious giving you reasons why you should be going to the gym, all the time you are picturing the benefits and the more you hear the benefits and see them in your minds eye the more prone you are to taking action.

Blocking out

What a lot of people do when they would like to take action on something is they block out the thoughts that show the benefits of your proposed actions. Why they do this is to either avoid pain or desire more pleasure. So, in the scenario above the pleasure part would have been to lye on the couch and watch Lost , the painful part would have been going to the gym. Of course there are ways to change your thinking to reverse the pleasure and pain, but that’s for another post. So when we want to avoid doing something that will ultimately have long term gains we block out the thoughts which lead us to take action. When we really want something we think about it more often and our unconscious mind works on ways to gain that desire and we work toward it slowly but surely. Sometimes it happens quickly and sometimes it’s very slow, but no matter what, if you desire something badly enough and you take action and think about it often enough the chances are you will get what you want in life. I believe the mis-interpretation of all the law of attraction stuff is that a lot of people were saying ‘If I think about winning the lottery it will happen’, and when it didn’t happen then the Law of Attraction got a bad name.  Guess what, if you don’t take action you will never get what you want in life.

Sandra Bullock

I’ve always had a thing for Sandra Bullock and my wife says if she dies I’m allowed to re-marry Sandra (If she’ll have me of course!). Guess what? I got everything I wished for when I met my wife.

If Thoughts Become Things Then Why Didn t I Marry Sandra Bullock  - 98