A part of life that you are not willing to waste or use frivolously. That is why it is so critically important to use your time wisely, in the most constructive, productive, and enjoyable way possible. Nevertheless, no matter how well we learn how to adapt to change, the world around us is constantly evolving, twisting, and turning. As a result, along with all of the amazing experiences that life has to offer, they can also be overwhelming at times. Sometimes you would think that it’s best to just reset your whole system. Like a computer, can you learn how to reset your brain as well? Is there a brain reboot button so that you can remove all the unwanted data and start anew?

How to Reset Your Brain

Similar to a computer’s ability to store data, if you load too much information into your brain, you run the risk of inadvertently shutting it down. Thereby leaving yourself vulnerable to a wide variety of mental health issues contributing to symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Therefore, it is essential to do everything within your power to protect and nurture your brain, as you would do with any other organ in your body that requires care and attention. With that said, now may be one of the best times ever to start implementing some easy-to-do strategies to help you reboot your brain for a much-needed break.

1. Start a Hobby

All work and no play can lead to burnout. Follow your passion, or at least try something new for fun. As a matter of fact, research shows that people who take up a hobby a less likely to suffer from symptoms of both anxiety and depression. [1] Hobbies can provide a stress-free experience, where you can participate at your own pace and level of expertise without being judged. Reading, for example, can help you expand your vocabulary, point of view, and perhaps most importantly, your imagination. While arts and crafts can help you constructively express your feelings with creativity, simultaneously building self-esteem.

2. Dive Into Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises are simple and easy ways to help reboot your brain. Find a peaceful spot in your home, at the office, anywhere. Sit comfortably, but maintain good posture. Breathe in from your nose while simultaneously counting to five, allowing your lungs to completely fill with air. Then gently exhale through your nose while simultaneously counting to five again. Repeat the breathing exercise a few more times. You can increase or decrease the frequency and duration of the exercise in accordance with your comfort level. Deep breathing exercises have been shown to decrease blood pressure by helping to reduce stress. They also increase oxygenation in the body, stimulating the lymphatic system. As a result, deep breathing exercises can also promote immunity from illness by helping the body release harmful toxins. [2]

3. Exercise Your Body to Rest Your Mind

It can be hard to schedule a time to exercise since most of us are busy doing our jobs or house chores. However, studies show that people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from mental illness. Furthermore, exercise has also been shown to help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms of mental illness, especially for people suffering from depression and anxiety. It is believed that physical exercise helps to release endorphins in the brain that increase your internal sense of well-being.[3] As a result, people who actively engage in physical exercise may experience an increase in their level of energy as well as in the quality of their sleep.

4. Practice Mindful Meditation

Find your own peace of paradise deep within your mind as you melt away stress with mindful meditation. Close your door, shut the blinds, and turn off the ringer. This is your mind’s time. Get to that quiet place, even if you have to go to a park, just get there. And when you are ready, sit up comfortably on the floor, at your desk, or even in your favorite lounge chair at the beach. Put your open hands on your lap with your palms facing up to the heavens. Let your mind set on what is happening in its own universe, and just let loose. Close your eyes and simply allow your mind to wander through all of the images that appear embedded deep within your soul. Stay present in the moment. Mindful meditation has been shown to improve concentration and mental clarity.[4]

5. Prioritize Your Time

You may have a lot on your plate, however, some things are just more important than others. Start your day with a list of things you need to accomplish. Prioritize the most important ones and place them up top and check each task when you complete them. Though, you may not accomplish every single thing on your list, try your best to accomplish the most important things like exercising, going out with your spouse or kid, taking vitamins, completing your project, etc. You’ll definitely feel better at the end of the day and find it easier to let your brain rest with fewer loose ends and pending issues to worry about.

6. Step Away From Technology

In one way or another, we have all become dependent on technology. Similar to the concept of jet propulsion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The internet, for example, has in many ways increased efficiency, productivity, and access to information. Nevertheless, at the same time, without anyone actually controlling how much time we spend online, we are essentially responsible for self-regulating our use of it. As a result, many people find themselves suffering from problematic computer use in which they are spending excessive periods using the computer for any number of reasons. It could be scientific research to investing, from gaming to pornography. Either way, studies have shown that spending too much time online can lead to insomnia, poor health, interpersonal conflict, and financial hardship. If you want to reboot your brain, try scheduling a little more downtime from surfing the internet, especially before bedtime.[5]

7. Socialize With Others

Whether with a colleague from work or with your favorite cousin from West Palm Beach, social interaction is a great way to reboot your brain. Human beings, for the most part, are social creatures. We tend to congregate together and form communities where we build relationships with others. With that said, social isolation appears to be one of the most prominent warning signs or symptoms of mental illness. Research has shown that people who report frequent social interaction with others experience significantly lower rates of depression and anxiety than those who do not.[6] Furthermore, although there is no substitute for the human touch, technology now provides most of us with the opportunity to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world without ever having to leave the comfort of our homes.

8. Talk to a Professional

There is no question that your friends and family can provide you with plenty of emotional support and encouragement. However, for the most part, they are emotionally connected to your well-being from a more subjective perspective. Furthermore, their lives may be directly impacted by your behaviors and emotions, thereby making it more difficult for them to be completely transparent and candid. From a more objective perspective, you may benefit significantly from talking to a well-trained and caring mental health professional who can help you address any number of issues that you may feel have been negatively impacting your life. As you work through and resolve your issues, you are essentially freeing up more headspace, thereby helping you reboot your brain.

9. Get Some Sleep

Getting some much-deserved and needed sleep is perhaps the best way of all to reboot your brain. Life is not a sprint, but rather a marathon. You have to carefully pace yourself along the way so that you do not run out of steam ahead of the finish line.[7] After all, your brain is the central processing center for all of your emotions and behaviors, so you need it to be working at peak performance at all times. Similar to a rechargeable battery, sleep provides your mind with an opportunity to re-energize. Medical professionals recommend sleeping for at least seven hours daily for optimum gain. Research shows that inadequate sleep is linked to both the onset and the exacerbation of a variety of symptoms of mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and even psychosis.[8] Although you may have a plate full of projects pending at work, or responsibilities at home, try winding down your day with activities that are generally more relaxing and less taxing on the brain, such as listening to some music, reading a book, or perhaps watching an episode of your favorite sitcom.


Life can be an amazing journey. One that puts you at the helm of your own destiny, no matter your circumstance. With enough patience, perseverance, and support you should be able to successfully circumnavigate any number of unexpected storms ahead. However, in order to do so, you will definitely need a clear mind to help you keep a steady hand along the way. With a firm grip on your own behaviors and emotions, you should be able to effectively manage most of life’s ups and downs and twists and turns with the least amount of emotional discomfort and distress possible. In essence, your peace of mind depends heavily upon your ability to find a healthy balance in your life as you adjust to change. Whether you have a strong support system or not, you are ultimately your greatest advocate for having good overall mental health. Ultimately, the best time to reboot your brain for a much-needed break is when you begin to feel like you need it, not when you are deep in the throws of an episode of depression or anxiety. When it comes to taking care of your mental health, be proactive. The goal is to stay ahead of the condition, rather than get stuck in it. Featured photo credit: Ben White via unsplash.com