Parameters set by others do not define the worth of your aspirations. You are the one who gets to decide how much something means to you and the value it brings to your life. Thinking otherwise is nothing but a disservice to your dreams and efforts. You are the key to making yourself prosperous, and nothing can change that.

Manifesting Abundance: Do We Imagine Things That Don’t Exist?

The presence of something that you desire defines abundance, and manifesting it pertains to living by your standards of “sufficient” until it becomes true. So, does that mean that you live and spend like a millionaire even when you aren’t one right now while hoping that it becomes valid? Yes and no. The concept might sound misleading at first glance by urging people to live a life they fantasize about even when they cannot afford it. But it is only a part of the entire concept of manifesting abundance. There’s plenty of abundance around us: nature, wealth, success, love, food. These things might not belong to you right now, but they can if you want. All you need to do is believe. Continue reading to find out how!

“Believe It Until You Achieve It,” Is That It?

Belief is the central pillar upholding the idea of manifesting abundance. The only thing that keeps you from achieving something is the lack of faith in yourself, your abilities, and your dedication. But wait, there is something else—effort and patience and process. Yes, the distance between “believe” and “achieve” might seem like a short one, but it involves more. Simply imagining things doesn’t make them come true. You need to show up consistently and persevere. Your belief is only sufficient to motivate you. After that, you need to process that energy into a meaningful outcome-driven process. I am manifesting abundance in four steps: belief, hustle, process, perseverance. Every step towards manifesting abundance is crucial, and missing even a single one can return you to square one!

Serendipity: An Ocean Made of Drops

I wasn’t always equipped with a sense of direction in life. I acquired that skill through my experiences. Today, the professional life I’m leading results from decisions I made in moments of realization that changed my world entirely. And it’s only today I discern that my present is a manifestation of my aspirations in the past. I was attending my cousin’s wedding when I connected with a relative who was so inclined to help me connect with the right people and lead me to a squarely teaching role in my area of interest! It was random and unexpected, but I never thought of it as “chance.” I deserved it because I worked for it, even unconsciously at times. And my inherent passion brought me closer to a life I had always dreamed of. I was always ambitious and perceptive, leading a life of manifested abundance without registering it. This is precisely ensuring why my life turned out the way I wanted it to. I believed in myself and only looked straight ahead. I planted the seeds every day, ensuring that I was consistently engaged in forming a plan for my future. I was not just envisioning a fortune but also building the path towards it.

How to Manifest Anything in Life

A plan without a strategy is just an idea, as they say. The sections below cover how you can manifest anything in life by customizing strategies that suit your goals, temperament, and energy.

1. Document Where You Are and Where You’d Like to Be

In 2020, one of my students attended her first Vision Board Workshop. After creating my board, she realized she needed to place it somewhere she would frequently see it. She decided to put it over her bed, so it was the first thing she saw when she woke up. A year later, as she looked at that same vision board, she realized that many of the goals there—plus more—were accomplished throughout the pandemic. Her board helped her realize that it isn’t only manifestation that can help you accomplish your goals but also action. The small act of just looking at the board daily served as a reminder for everything she was working towards.

2. Manifest Abundance Through the Law of Attraction

The human mind is powerful enough to produce thoughts that attract similar realities. So, if you’re an optimistic person, you’re bound to come across great opportunities more often than a pessimist who looks at the world cynically. Is it because the pessimist is less deserving? No. It’s just because the optimist is more open to challenges and explores the positive aspect of circumstances, unlike a pessimist who negatively receives things that come their way.[1] Your thoughts reflect in your perspective and, ultimately, your behavior. If you think positively, you will attract positive things because you are more receptive to them behaviorally. This understanding acts as the linking thread between abundance manifestation and the law of attraction.

How Do You Manifest Wealth and Abundance?

Thinking about what you don’t have has two sides: you can either mope about it and ruin things or use that as a motivator to work harder and achieve it. Going by the law of attraction, you need to focus on the positive aspect of dreams so you can attain them instead of worrying about not living them right now or about what happened in the past. Do you want it that bad? Think that you already have it. Then, it’ll motivate you to obtain it.

Think deeply about your aspirations and what would make you truly happy. Define concrete goals of where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow, in a year from now, and in five years. Create a vision board and display your vision and goals in a place to look at every day.[2] Get very specific on what it is you are offering and who you are serving. You can find contentment in making others happy, but you cannot find satisfaction in pleasing others. There’s a huge difference between finding your happiness in that of others and defining your joy by the standards of others. Do not confuse between the two. Everybody has opinions, just like you do. But do not let them deter you from achieving your goal. Analyze your skillset and trust your ability to get something done with available resources and opportunities. Your dreams matter, so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Surround yourself with people and things that match your emotional and intellectual frequency so that they propel you in the direction of your objectives. Understand that you are the one in control of your life, not your friends, family, or neighbors. You are the one who will deal with the consequences of your decisions, so choose wisely. For abundance to manifest, you need to plant seeds every day little by little until you have achieved a steady pace towards your destination. Don’t just rely on hope and faith! Design a process that you can consistently and implement day in and day out. Whether posting content on a blog, reaching out to people who may be interested in your offering, networking with friends, asking questions—consistently put your intention into the world. Look towards a better future but do not be ungrateful for the present. Dissatisfaction can severely harm your mind and make you lose focus. Manifest the positive emotions that will come with attaining that imagined reality. Think about the excitement, fulfillment, and joy you’ll get to experience after achieving success (that you defined for yourself), which will motivate you to keep going. Be patient and trust the process. You made it this far, and you will make it to the other side.

Final Thoughts

Having faith in yourself is essential, no doubt. But what are you reaping out of the confidence that’s driving you? Is it leading you anywhere, or are you stationary? Manifesting abundance is more than just envisioning a future. It is a source of motivation that drives you intrinsically daily. It is what sets you apart from the daydreamers. Featured photo credit: dusan jovic via