I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. It’s time to take the pressure off you. I’m here to help you do more than just “finding your passion.” I’m here to help you live life the way it should be. To live life in the now, and totally crush it. Period. Life is not a destination. Life is a journey. Some people take 10 years to figure out their life purpose, and some never do. Do you want to stress yourself out for 10 long years? Or do you want to do some crazy stuff, challenge yourself, stop your monotonous daily routine, and kick some butt? And all at the same time, while maybe discovering your passion too? It’s time to discover that your life can be just as awesome without any particular burning passion. Let’s get to it!

The 30-Day Challenge (extended for a whole year)

You have probably heard the wonders of these challenges: they say it takes about 30 days to cultivate a new habit, whether that’s an addition or a subtraction. But this is not just about habits. This is about stretching yourself, getting yourself uncomfortable, and growing a ton. You’re going to realize how much life has to offer, with or without having a passion. And you’re going to have loads of fun at it! Do note that these challenges were created for the common 9–5 employee, so “no time” is not an excuse. Make time!

Month 1: Cultivate a new habit

We are just getting started here, so don’t roll your eyes. The challenges increase in difficulty as you move along. Think of a bad habit that you want to kill, or a good habit that you want to cultivate. Do not underestimate the power of habits because, to paraphrase Aristotle, you become what you repeatedly do. The best way to start doing the right things consistently and with ease is to make them a habit. I really believe in that. I have a strategy to help you out. For every day you successfully execute your act, cross it out on the calendar. Now focus on not breaking that chain of crosses. Life is a game. Life is fun.

Month 2: Attitude of gratitude

Message (or call if you’re up for the challenge) two people every day and thank each of them for something. It can be literally anything at all, as long as you’re sincere and genuine about it. You will be surprised by the outcome. Some people will be happy, some will think you’re a loony, some will just brush it off. You can even grab this opportunity to network and reconnect with some old friends. Just remember that their reaction is a reflection of their character and personal development, not yours. By day 30, you would have expressed gratitude to 60 people. Take caution here, because you might be ridiculously happy this month. Did you know psychologists have scientifically proven that one of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness in your life is how much gratitude you show?

Month 3: Cold turkey—30 days without Facebook

“Status update: Going cold turkey for 30 days. Contact me through other means.” Do that and notice how much free time you could actually be using to crush life. You don’t need to browse photos of hot chicks and ripped men. You don’t need to know what your friends are eating in real time. It’s time to start appreciating real, authentic interactions with the people you love and care about. Start learning about what it takes to build real relationships. Don’t worry. You’ll survive, I promise. Need help? Get Cold Turkey!

Month 4: Pay it forward

Did you know that if you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world? It’s time to give back. Pay it forward. Offer to pay for a couple’s dinner. Offer to pay for the person behind you in the drive-through. Offer to pay for someone’s entire grocery list. Do this once every day. You’ll be surprised; you might even start a chain reaction. This is powerful stuff. A simple gesture, yet powerful. Learn from these guys.

Month 5: Read and be inspired

Here’s your chance to find something you might be interested in and grow a passion for. For the next 30 days, ask a friend to recommend you the most powerful and inspiring article that he or she has ever read on the net. Ask your most intellectual friends. Ask friends who actually read. For every article that resonates with you, print it out or bookmark it so you can refer to it in the future. Something might just click one day, and you could be well on your way to “doing the work you love” that those personal development bloggers so love talking about. Best of all, you get to open yourself up to the world and you will gain tons of new knowledge that will blow your mind. Knowledge is power.

Month 6: Learn a new skill

Commit to learning a new skill consistently for 30 days. Pick up an instrument. A sport. Enroll in a dance class. Learn about psychology and entrepreneurship. This is your second chance at finding something that you can be passionate about. Always be learning, always be growing. Real education begins after graduation. Don’t stop right there.

Month 7: Double your savings, spend less

Getting harder here… “Financial freedom comes to the person who saves 10% or more of his income throughout his lifetime.” You know who said that? Brian Tracy. It’s number 10 of his 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money. If you’re not in the habit of living within 90% of your income right now, I suggest you start doing so. Whether you have been or not, start saving a minimum of 20% for the next 30 days. Cut down on whatever unnecessary expenditures you have. Challenge yourself. You might realize there are things you never really needed. And it’s a plus that you’re investing in your future along the way. Always pay yourself first.

Month 8: Free hugs!

When you hug someone, you release something called oxytocin in your body, a hormone commonly known as the “love drug.” All you need to know is that this boosts positive emotions. It’s all the warm and fuzzy you feel. Everyone loves to be hugged. Imagine yourself being cuddled by your best friend or your soul mate. Do it. I’m waiting. Does it feel good? What’s not to love? Your happiness level is immediately boosted. Your job this month is to go out in the streets and offer free hugs every day for just 15 minutes. Show the world some love. And feel good about yourself while at it.

Month 9: Do a crazy act in public

This month, go somewhere where at least five strangers can see you. Now start dancing as though there’s no one around. Like, you know, when you do it at home. Don’t worry about what people are thinking of you. Because trust me, there will be some who are wishing inside that they could just let loose on their life and be awesome, just the way you do. Be brave. Have fun. There’s nothing to it, really. Bonus: How about scaring some people along the way?

Month 10: Record self-promo videos

What talents do you have? Are you good at the piano or the guitar? Do you have a super-ripped body? Are you a great kisser? Maybe you can type a thousand words in less than 30 minutes, consistently? I don’t care what you have, if you think it’s a talent, make a video and brag about it. Practice speaking in front of a camera, that’s a great skill to have. And be obnoxious about your self-promo: it can be funny, serious, whatever. Find something to record every day and upload it all to YouTube. Share your videos on all your social networks. Make sure all your friends know. Don’t fret; you have come this far and we’re almost done with the year. This is an awesome opportunity for self-discovery. You’re going to build up heck-loads of monster confidence and this is where you’re really going to crush life. Just as with the previous month, some of your friends are going to wish they were living life as awesomely as you do.

Month 11: The approach

Health warning: this month’s exercise is probably best left to the singles out there! Men, approach five (ten if you’re up for the challenge) women every day. Choose the hottest ladies. The ones you think you would love to get to know. The ones you think you will never have and are too afraid to approach. Pick her and just go get her. Ladies, this is for you, too. The average woman is waiting for men to come to her. If you start approaching men, you’re already ahead of most ladies in getting the man you want. As a matter of fact, many men are going to find that confidence of yours super attractive. This is not just about picking up, mind you (although I’m sure you’re going to get some numbers). This is about building confidence. This is about busting out of your comfort zone and conquering your fears. Watch this dude kick some butt. Learn from him. You’re going to grow massively (if you take action). And don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Month 12: Write your story

This is it, guys. We’re almost done! I’m sure it must have been one heck of a ride for the last 11 months. For each day this month, choose an interesting event and write 300 words about it. Learn to express yourself by penning your thoughts down and get those creative juices flowing. You will learn a lot about yourself here and you might even develop a passion for writing. This is your time to reflect on your accomplishments. No more crazy stunts. Just relax. Write about that hottie’s number you got! Now, can I assure that you will find your passion by the end of the year? Definitely not! But I can guarantee your life will be the same as it was before, if you do not take action. Even if you choose to select just one 30-day challenge to beat, that’s powerful enough. The idea is that you are trying new things and challenging yourself. What I can promise is that you’re going to make several new connections and you’re going to be massively inspired. This year might just be the year you grow the most. Have fun with your newfound monster confidence! Featured photo credit: driver Photographer via flickr.com